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The Sunday Scrub

In this blog, I’m sharing with you my personal Sunday afternoon ritual I do weekly to plan for the upcoming week. I’ve created a free Sunday Scrub worksheet for you to print : simply drop all your plans for the week into each box and notice how you feel.

This is one of the practices from my Beautiful Life Lab program if you want to dive deeper into methods.

I also have this free download of some helpful health + productivity tools.

Enjoy and please share if you find value …

xo, Ange

There’s a date I’ve kept with myself every Sunday for years…

I gather my laptop, a notebook and mug of something velvety like my supercharged cacao.
I hit play on some jazz or my office flow playlist and head to a cozy sofa or the sauna.

I call this date The Sunday Scrub.

See this content in the original post

Each week we are gifted with 168 hours.

168 hours to make decisions through and this time bends in favour of what we prioritize. And each day we get to decide who we are going to be.

In my program, The Beautiful Life Lab, the very first assignment is to complete a time tracking log for at least 3 days.
It helps you have get intimate with the 168hrs you have each week.
From there, we implement practical systems for accessing our deep focus, our flow state and our intention for our life on a daily basis.

I believe that simple daily + weekly rituals have a huge ripple effect with our time.

You may have heard me share some examples of these on Instagram such as the Goodnight Home routine:

So back to the Sunday Scrub….

You can make this whatever you need it to be to help you organize yourself before a new week begins.
I think this is one of the most powerful time investments you can make and will setup your week to feel expansive + impactful.

If you want to use a digital calendar, you’ll find Google Calendar easy to setup + automate.
(I teach helpful methods of getting your calendar to work for you in the lab)

Weekly review:

You’ll want to first review your previous week to look at 3 things:

✔️ What went great that you could ‘blueprint’ going forward?

✔️ What didn’t go well that you could optimize through automation, delegation or delete altogether?

✔️ What didn’t get done that needs to carry over to next week or other?

Cast your vision:

And then you’re ready to cast your vision on the upcoming week:
The most important part here is that you have the most important things scheduled in first.
Here you are reviewing any commitments you’ve made to ensure they still make sense for this coming week and that you have time blocked off that aligns with what you value most. I’ve worked some of these in below and how I enjoy working them into my week in an efficient way …

Here are the things I consider as I plan for my upcoming week. I’ve put these prompts into this Sunday Scrub worksheet for you to print and drop your vision for the week. Simply drop all your plans for the week into each box and notice how you feel. This is one of the practices from my Beautiful Life Lab program if you want to dive deeper into methods. I also have this free download of some helpful health + productivity tools.

💡 TIP: print + place in a protective sleeve or laminate to make them dry erase.

The Top Priorities:

This box is a place to capture things that aren’t routine in your typical week so you can feel the ‘themes’ that this week is going to take on.
Have a look at what you’ve already planned into your calendar and see if anything needs to shift. Give yourself 1.5x the amount of time you think each thing is going to take. And limit yourself to a max of 3 important things to accomplish each day. It’s wise to have a ‘parking lot’ of items that you can get to if you have time, but only if your top 3 are done. It’s also wise to begin batching your focus into themes for each day of your week so you aren’t hopping all around each day. If you’d like to see what my typical day + week looks like, click here. Now that we are Home Schooling, I take time to look over the lesson plans for the week too.

The Meal Planning:

There’s a tool I’ve used for over 10 years and it costs me $5 a month and I would pay 10 times that for how much time it saves me. It’s called Plan to Eat (PTE) and it stores all my recipes (or import my faves from websites) and helps me meal plan quick. Once you plan your meals, it will populate a grocery list for you with all the ingredients from those recipes. Then, you could hop online to your grocery and place your order online. I do this every Sunday for Monday morning delivery or pickup. Here’s a short video I recorded on how to use PTE and you can try it free for 30 days through this link. I love to browse Pinterest for new recipes on Sundays (and this often leads to 3 more hours of browsing other things too). Or I’ll grab a few cookbooks and head to the sauna for an hour of browsing + bookmarking.

The Workouts:

What is your body feeling like it wants more of right now? Consider any group classes you want to attend and try to have a set time each day that you workout. I personally love to alternate higher intensity cardio (like running or the bike) with strength training.

The Content Creation:

Think about what you want to shine a light on in your business this week. Is there something you could create once and then market out across multiple groups or in multiple ways? Consider using a social media planning tool like Smarter Queue to plan out your social media posts for the week. Planoly is a great tool for using to map out your Instagram if you prefer to do that rather than in the moment posting. Consider having a set day each week for content creation and then you can decide on Sundays how + where to circulate it. Do some writing and share it out via your blog + email. Check out FloDesk for email - it’s brilliant!

The Finale:

I finish the Sunday Scrub by clearing my computer desktop + physical desktop. I LOVE to use the Clean My Mac app to cleanse my hard drive each week and keep my system running fast. I also bring the inbox to zero (I teach you strategies for this in the lab). And I clear out any photos + videos I’ve taken on my phone throughout the week. And then I love to have a big dinner at home on Sundays and nice long lavender epsom salt bath before bed.
Bonus points if I have the time to give myself a DIY salt scrub, DIY mani + detox foot soak 🤸‍♂️

what may be done at any time,
will be done at no time.

When you’re first starting this process - it may take you over an hour. Remember - this time will back you back in big dividends throughout the week and allow you to live more of your life without being locked to a device all the time!

Will the plan always work?
Actually you’ll find that your week almost never goes to plan, but that’s not the point.
The point is to care enough about your life to create the framework for joy + fulfillment. And to learn how to pivot daily just like pilot does with their plane.

I hope you know how much I’m cheering you on 💕
Give this a try and let me know below how it goes for you.



Some resources that may interest you: