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🎙️ To listen to this on the podcast, go here to episode 071
I’m excited to share some info with you here about the doTERRA Business Model + Opportunity
As you may know, a huge part of my work is devoted to teaching ways to take epic care of your body + home so that you are strong and ready for anything.
I'm also an advocate for becoming financially independent, as I believe your leadership is impacted by not only your health but by the amount of freedom you have within your finances.
If you are looking at options for creating a more stable future for yourself and your family, and you are passionated about leading a healthy life …
you’re in the right place.
This opportunity is for you if you are interested and willing to take 100% ownership of your time, health, success + impact.
And to do that through partnering within one of the largest natural health movements in the world ✨
I bought my first kit of doTERRA oils in Dec 2013.
I very quickly dove in to learning, applying and sharing along the way. I taught my first essential oil class about 4 months later and invited all of my health coaching clients to attend. You can read more about my work timeline here.
My clients + friends were were hungry for this information as they were already invested in their personal health through exercise + nutrition.
This was the next level and the portal to coming into complete alignment in their health + wellbeing.
Well, one class led to another and over the next 4 years, I taught my heart out … over 300 classes in the living rooms + basements + backyards of homes.
Became a Canadian founder and the first double diamond leader in Canada within that time.
A simple cycle of learning, applying + teaching on repeat.
The team grew fast and today we are a community of close to 100,000 around the world!
The ripple effect of what may seem like a small thing such as an essential oil class, blows my mind.
I have met + partnered with some of the most incredible humans along the way. We get to do this together!
In fact - I would love for you to meet them!
Hop over here when you have a moment and get to know them … I think you’ll find you have a lot in common:
I’m incredibly grateful to share this content with you now 6 years later.
This work has completely changed my life and the lives of thousands upon thousands in such a short amount of time.
I know it will change yours too if you allow it.
Why doterra, why now?
Perhaps the draw most obvious right now is that people are asking questions they’ve haven’t had to ask before.
Questions about how they can be more prepared + secure financially the next time our world shifts in the way it is right now.
Also, more than ever before, people are seeking a higher level of health, more time freedom and the opportunity to impact our world positively.
doTERRA is a debt free, multi billion dollar wellness company that is privately owned (this is rare) and is not only the largest + more pure essential oil company in the world, but also the biggest direct selling company in the US.
The doTERRA collective is over 9 million people around the world, about 80% of which are customers.
When you start - this is the best way to begin: as a customer: Navigating your own self care, education + empowerment.
The doTERRA movement is positively changing the world, one drop at a time and on both sides of the bottle
Note: you may find it interesting to learn that being the largest essential oil company in the world, doTERRA is also the most transparent.
Check out Source to You.
Why is doterra sold through Direct Selling?
Have you ever wondered why doTERRA is sold through the marketing model that it is?
It's a barrier at first for people because there are a lot of people we can all think of that have given the network marketing model an icky reputation.
I was initially closed off to it for this reason too ...
What was missing for me in the past when I was (constantly) approached, was that I didn’t have a strong belief in what the product could solve for people.
This is so key because this what creates a lasting business model that works through people. The product has to change lives - it can’t be hype.
If it’s hype, you’re simply looking at a company that has given direct selling a bad reputation.
✔️ The Product: Is it amazing? Is it needed? Does it actually solve a problem? Do you use + love it?
✔️ The People: What does the leadership look like and the integrity of the founders?
✔️ The Pay: Is this a business that will truly create financial freedom for you and those you work with?
What is simply happening through direct selling, is a company is diverting its marketing budget away from commercials, TV, billboards etc … to you.
And if a product is stellar - it needs to move through people, or the reach of that product is limited.
The truth is…
Most people don’t understand this business model because they’ve grown up thinking business is linear and that you’re supposed to work in a 9-5 for 40 years of your life. People with bigger money issues will label this industry as a pyramid scheme or as a predatory business model. They don’t want to understand it because it would involve needing to let go of stories they have a white knuckle grip on. You will notice people with this belief do not live or circulate abundance, the sky is always falling and they don’t tend to stand for anything.
I recorded a podcast on this very topic a few years ago if you want to dive into that more.
There was only 1 business model that doTERRA could have empowered so many lives through …
the model of person to person, one drop at a time.
Be cautious of allowing someone else to hold you back, if they aren't living the life you are about to create ✨
Ok so back to the dilemma I found myself in when I first came across doTERRA.
I didn’t know anyone personally in Canada that was building it. So the trust wasn’t there and I needed to really look at it without any influence.
And at that time, I was tired of using essential oils that were not working and I was drawn to the values + transparency + sourcing methods that doTERRA had.
So I took a step forward and bought the oils.
And then after a few months of using them, I realized this was a very different company.
I talked to a few people and poked as many holes as I could into the whole thing so I could determine whether this was a company I wanted to partner with.
Through and through, it didn't matter where I looked, I could sense a congruency in what they were doing
and I knew that this would be the movement that would impact healthcare in a huge way.
I felt the pull to lead in this movement. And I also knew I could leverage this marketing model to create a powerful community - a space that people felt proud to be a part of! An experience of total value and a decision that a customer would always reflect back on as one of the best decisions of their life.
I don't talk about the business side of my doTERRA work often, because the truth is, I want you to start as a customer first.
I believe this is going to give your business the strongest foundation because from that place it will build organically as you learn, apply + heal.
And after you've done the self work + healing with the oils, if you feel the pull to lead in this movement too … you'll know when the right time is.
It will be right around the time you help someone close to you work on their healing too.
This business model is the most brilliant in the world because it: Places you in a position of authority over your own life.
It removes all limitations on you … Your success is entirely up to you.
Money is simply impact in motion.
I believe that money is simply an exchange of energy and that you should be recognized abundantly for the good that you bring into others lives.
I use these incredible products + essential oils to live a very healthy life and I help others learn how to do that too.
I want for you what I have for myself. Complete self ownership + a life you love. ❤
And I believe that in order to lead effectively, you need to be free of debts + low level health that binds.
This is what makes doTERRA so appealing.
In our world, there are 3 ways to earn money:
✔️ Static/Earned Income: exchanging your time for money. Do it once, earn it once
✔️ Passive/Residual Income: network marketing, eBooks, online programs, evergreen products etc. Do it once, earn it multiple times. This income doesn't stop when you do.
✔️ Investment Income: having a portfolio where your money is invested in stocks, bonds, funds etc.
Do you want to learn more about the power of residual income?
Now, coming back to my point earlier about the relationship between impact + freedom.
It’s important to become financially independent, especially if you are a woman and it’s also important to have multiple streams of income.
This is why many begin building a doTERRA business.
And this stream of income may be what you’re looking at to cover some of the bills and support your family’s health through your monthly order. It’s a sweet spot for sure!
Here are some slides out of our team Compensation Slide Deck. Click the arrows to navigate …
Here’s how you’ll earn:
You first need to commit to placing a 100pv monthly rewards order. This is the to ensure you are a product of the product. It’s also one of the lowest investment businesses in the industry!
✔️ Retail commission: You will have your own doTERRA website to send people where they can either pay full price retail or open up their wholesale pricing through the purchase of an enrolment kit. If they purchase items at the full retail price - you will earn 25% commission on that point value of the sale and it comes to you 1 month later. This is not a very popular option as most people will purchase at wholesale. See next point.
✔️ Enrolment commission: When you enroll someone with a starter kit, you will receive 20% commission on the point value of the sale and it comes to you weekly known as the fast start bonus. You continue to earn this bonus if your customer purchases again in the next 2 months. If you enroll someone that starts enrolling people you earn 10% commission on their enrolments. And this actually goes one more level to 5% commissions. CLICK HERE for more on this bonus. This will be your main income in your first year of business until you’ve grown a team that starts producing unilevel commission. See next point.
✔️ Unilevel Commission: This is a monthly commission that you are paid based on the overall sales of your doTERRA team that month. This is what you earn after a customer you’ve enrolled is ordering beyond the initial 2 months and you earn between 2 - 7% depending on how low they are in your tree. Not only that - you earn off of the entire team below you so if you have people on your team that are enrolling, you earn 2- 7% off of that too. This is where doTERRA really stands out because it’s built for long term income. The lower people are in your team, the more you earn. Most other companies flip that so that you earn quickly right up front but then over time you stop earning through your team. Here’s the other piece within this that makes doTERRA unique: we have the highest retention rate in the industry of around 67%. Most other companies have between 10 - 15%. More customers in doTERRA continue to order than in any other direct selling company, because the product is incredible + life-changing and not hype.
✔️ Power of 3 bonus: This is a monthly bonus based on the STRUCTURE of your team. If you and 3 people on your front line are each purchasing 150 pv in products monthly … you’ll receive a $50 bonus. If you help each of THOSE 3 people have 3 people onTHEIR front line purchasing 150 pv in products monthly … you’ll receive a $250 bonus. And that goes 1 more level deep where you will earn $1500 a month. CLICK HERE for more on this bonus.
✔️ Leadership bonus pools: doTERRA offers monthly bonuses to those who build larger teams over time and reach the rank of SILVER and above. One of the bonuses – the Leadership Performance Pool – is 2% of the topline, worldwide sales divided into payments for those who have reached the Silver Rank and above. It is a GREAT additional bonus and continues to grow in value as the company grows.
The model of your doTERRA biz is simple:
You succeed the more you help others succeed.
If you have a feeling you are here to lead, you are going to need to be free of debt.
Just like disease in a body, debt will suffocate your impact in our world.
If you are ready for this, through doTERRA you will be able to release worries about money.
You will be well taken care of, because you are here to do big work.
CLICK HERE for the 2018 Opportunity + Earnings Disclosure
The reality is - many people struggle with earning more money and releasing debt because with that, they need to release stories that have bound them for most of their life. So you’ll see self sabotage creep in for many. But this is a necessary portal to become free.
When you follow the road map we lay out for you, you are unlimited in how far you grow.
Here is the average trajectory:
The pathway:
I would say the typical pathway is to begin as a customer.
Purchase your first kit of oils and then spend at least 3 months learning about them + applying what you’re learning.
You take a step forward as an advocate for your health + family.
And then sometime after that you would be ready to teach your first set of classes.
You would upgrade your account to Wellness Advocate (this is free to do) and would teach 1 class a week for 3 months.
This is the very best way to start rather than just a class here and there.
We’ll connect you to the tools + community to support you as you grow … this is the BEST part!
I can confidently say, you will have access to everything you need to build this business confidently.
You just need to show up for the work.
✔️ Our Leader Facebook group which has over 5,000 builders on our team from around the world and over 5 years of helpful conversations that have taken place. All of our team resources are organized for you in the Units section of that group.
✔️ Our Momentum Model: 20 days of recorded mentor calls + actions to take each day to lay the foundation of your business.
✔️ Our Launch Your Biz Program which we run 2x a year to guide you in launching
Then you can participate in doTERRA’s growth programs, Silver Club and Diamond Club to grow your business beyond the beginning ranks.
Obviously you can grow at whatever pace you want to.
And we have the roadmap to guide you through growing a thriving + sustainable residual income business.
How you’ll share the oils:
One of our best practices is to sample people before they come to learn from you at a class which we teach you about in our Launch Program.
If you’d like to see how I offer a sample experience, click here
We teach Intro to Oils Classes every week that you can invite your customers to. We teach, You earn the commission!
You can share + teach in so many ways:
Person-to-person sharing: Meeting for an oils + tea date, handing out samples at the gym, having your faves in your bag for others to try, mailing samples to friends and family, inviting a person to your home to try them, and so on. This is going to be best if you feel more confident working 1:1 as opposed to presenting to a group.
Sharing on social media, your blog or website: I suggest you document your journey learning + applying the oils as you go! This is a great way to share the oils authentically and allow others to learn along with you. doTERRA has a free Social Media Course for you here that several top leaders recorded content for you in. And you’ll be given marketing images each month you can customize and share! You’ll have simple links you can create to each product or kit that will have your enrolling info embedded in. You can even create custom carts with your unique link - you can see an example of a custom kit I created on the Supernatural Recipe Guide Landing page
Free or paid ONLINE classes: Using Facebook Live or Zoom, you can teaching simply! We give you slide decks and teaching sheets - you’ll have everything you need to do this!
Free or paid IN PERSON classes: These can be small in-home classes, public workshops (such as at a library), private classes (for a chiropractor or wellness studio), public demonstrations (health expos etc). Again - you’ll have access to everything you need to teach classes.
Free or paid coaching/consulting: If you’re a health coach or wellness practitioner or offer some other service that fits you can offer one-on-one support for your clients who are using doTERRA products and create health protocols or coaching regimens based on the oils.
Who does well in doterra?
People with a respect for nature. The helpers.
Those with a heart for helping people become healthier + empowered.
The Resourceful . Willing to learn the new way
People in the health + wellness space
People with a hunger to be part of positive change in the world + willing to dream bigger
People who are very interested in building a business that fits their life by their design
People who care more about leading than what their uncle Tom thinks about it
Who doesn’t do so well in doterra?
The get rich quick seekers
The dabblers + hoppers.
The ones with a greater mindshare focused on themselves and how they can get ahead.
In this space the more you give the more grow. period.
ready to start?
It all begins by purchasing a starter kit of oils. Connect with the person that’s been sharing with you.
If that person is me, click below …