25 Weeks Pregnant & A Lil Catch-up
Heyyyy!! I haven`t been able to blog much as my sweet little Macbook decided to crash & burn about a month ago and I`m still waiting for her return. I have a few good posts up my sleeve for when I get her back - hopefully by this weekend. I`ll also post the next Hol-Fit Vid newsletter....this month I`ll be sharing my top eco-healthy beauty products. Let me know if you have any questions and I`ll answer them at the end of the vid!
I`m 25 Weeks along and this girl is a kickin! I was anticipating that this baby might be on the, shall we say - calmer side, seeing as Chloe is such a little energy ball. But, alas I find myself trying to keep up with 2 very busy babies these days! This pregnancy is going super great - I`ve got lots of energy still and attribute this to daily workouts, lots of water & greens. I haven`t changed up too much of my daily routine with being pregnant, but I`ve found that the following things to be essential:
Daily skin brushing * moisturizing Coco Oil * Green Juices * adding lavender to everything * yoga * leggings & billabong dresses * my Toms

I`m booking our 3D ultrasound appt for sometime in the next few weeks so I`ll share a glimpse of our little bella once that`s done!
I`d love to bottle up all this energy for the last trimester, because my next piece of big news is that we`re packing up our little family & moving in the fall to London, ON! So excited for all the fresh opportunities this move will bring & even more excited to be building the house of our dreams! It will be a Leed-certified Green home and I`ve loved the process of building it so far! Things are going to get a little ca-ra-zy in Oct though as the plan is to delivery baby girl on the 19th and then the house is ready on the 20th. Just trying to pack a little every week while I`m feeling good right now...
Lastly, we`re taking a little trip at the end of the month back to our wedding stomping grounds in Vegas baby! It will be perfect timing before the gong show begins! If you`ve been to Vegas lately - what are the must sees & dos on the strip? We're staying at new hotel called Vdara and I love that it has no smoky filled casino!
K - I'll be back hopefully this weekend ;)