10 min the night before {+ a chia pudding recipe}

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I'm sure you've probably heard me talk about the importance of creating a system/gameplan for healthy living that you could sustain for the rest of your life. The 80's called...they want their low fat foods + thighmasters back ;)

From personal experience and in working with hundreds of mama clients - there is no greater time for this to be of focus than when you become a mother.

There's nothing like bargaining for time to brush your teeth....ya'll know what I mean.

So you can imagine how many of those workouts + bowls of greens are happening when the teeth are feeling a little gritty ;)

I think there is this window of time after having a child, for mothers to create a system of healthy habits to carry them. It's not that it's too late if your kids are all grown up...it's just that it will be a little more work {but you can do it}

As I was whisking some chia pudding together for tomorrows breakfast, I thought I'd not only share that recipe {totally awesome} but also give you my simple approach to staying on top of my game.

10 min the night before

I'm no mathematician but I swear this gives you back about 3 hrs the next day. Here's what I do during this 10 min after dinner while my husband takes the kids up to get ready for bed:

Pop on some good beats. I like something super cheeze like "Today's Happy Pop"on Songza

Prep tomorrow's breakfast {overnight crockpot oats, smoothie packages in ziplock bags ready to blend or this chia pudding recipe below}

Pack health lunches: 2 lunchbags for the girls, 2-3 cups of already prepared salad in a glass container with hard boiled egg on top for me if I'm traveling during lunch...and same for hubs}

Pull out anything from freezer for tomorrow nights dinner to defrost in fridge overnight. 

Those last 2 examples rely on me having a successful Meal Prep Session each weekend - to see mine in action, check out my Webinar/eBook Bundle

Lay out my gym clothes

Fill a large (20oz) glass tumbler with filtered water and 1/2 lemon squeezed for first thing  in the morning

Look over my key priorities for the next day...what are the top 3 things I must do in order for me to feel successful + fulfilled tomorrow?  This usually involves Eating a Frog for Breakfast

And p.s - this process moves extra efficiently if you actually feel more energized after eating your supper {aka plate full of greens, health fats + protein} Just saying' ;)

The reason this system works is that it removes excuses for choosing health and the habits carry you over time so that you aren't making tons of decisions all day long!

Okay ... onto that recipe I promised. It's perfect for overnight preparedness, it's pink for the girls in your life, is nutritious + delish!

I wanna hear from you ~ what would you add to my list that helps you rock a healthy lifestyle?
Share below or on the Facebook Wall

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