my fave skincare

I am pretty sure I will never use another system for the rest of my life. I'm obsessed with doTERRA's Verage collection:  


Here's why:

❤  Advanced plant technology promotes optimal lipid balance {many of us just strip our skin every day through chemicals + harsh abrasives}

❤  Uses only natural ingredients, nourishing plant extracts and a collection of some of the most potent + pure essential oils such as Helichryssum, Frankincense, Rose, Lavender, Myrhh, Sandalwood, Geranium, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Basil, Melaleuca, Wild Orange + Cypress. These are the most beautifying of the essential oil world!

❤ The 4 step system includes a


spray toner



{click each to read the PDF} Doing this ritual at the end of day helps cue my wind down and has helped me increase my own self care after taking care of everyone else all day.

It retails for $120us and is $90us at wholesale. This system lasts me a little more than 2 months because I use it at night and then I use the oil cleansing method in the morning.

If you're not convinced yet that it's time to make the switch to more natural products {or DIY}, watch this 15 min vid below:

I love the work the EWG is doing to help us as consumers make more informed decisions. You can look up the toxicity rating of your beauty + skin care products in their database here

The Verage system rates super clean when you look at each ingredient in the EWG's database. 

To purchase doTERRA at wholesale pricing, click here.

Happy glowing!

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