Unicorn Dishwasher Pucks (dish tabs with liquid/powder option)

When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has told us that

 the air inside our homes is more dangerous than the air outside our homes - we listen.

Did you know that the FDA doesn't mandate that companies disclose the full ingredients on household care products? This is why this playground contains hundreds of brands that are pumping harmful, very common ingredients into what we're buying ... 

such as:

chlorine bleach


coal tar dye




phosphates etc.

Click here to understand what the Environmental Working Group (EWG) thinks about the chemicals that brands are pumping into the products they're selling you.

They even give the most common products (which Canadians spend approx $275 million on a year) a rating to help you understand what the ingredients in the products you may be buying are linked with when it comes to health concerns

Click the image below to learn more about the products you're currently using:

Your next (empowered) move ...

Ready to do this right?

I have a few recipe options to guide you in rocking this out:

ps ... I experimented with over 10 different ingredient approaches and had lots of flops before landing here ;)

Version A: Dish Tabs

(makes approx 24 tabs at a cost of $0.21 each vs. store-bought natural tabs at $0.35 ea)

Wear gloves as you mix (ingredients can dry out your skin)the consistency you're shooting for is like packing snow:

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a glass bowl and stir with fork or whisk

2. Mix all liquids (including essential oils) into a separate glass bowl and slowly add to the dry mix

3. With gloves on - mash it all together until if feels like packing snow (add a little water if needed)

4. Pack the mixture into a 2 tbsp scoop and then tap onto drying sheet

5. Let dry for 24 hrs (ideally in the sun ... if you have a dehydrator

you could pop them in there for a few hours)

TIP: add vinegar to your rinse aid section.


Purify BlendLemongrass, or a Lemon/Rosemary combo. 

Don't pay full retail price - click here for 25% off all doTERRA for a full year


to make this a powder version -  eliminate the hydrogen peroxide and add 20 more drops of essential oil. 


Baking Soda: mild  disinfectant, cuts grease + softens water

Washing Soda: effective grease cutter (make your own washing soda)

3% Hydrogen Peroxide: This oxygen water is what your white blood cells naturally produce to fight bacteria and infections OnGuard Cleaning ConcentrateClick Here to learn why you'll use this tons of different ways in your home. 

And research on it if that's more your jam: 


Liquid Castile Soap alternate to the OG concentrate

doTERRA Essential Oils: we know this is the only way forward. So does nature ;)

Version B: DIY Liquid


Mix together in a glass bottle (like an empty organic juice glass container) and use approx 2 tbsp per load (may need to play a bit and adjust)

Ready for more value? Click Here for our HOL:FIT Green Cleaning Toolkit

To glowing together ...


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