some of the most important questions we can ask
questions that lead to your own answers
… which lead to an aligned life.
With the click of a button we can access more information today than the President could 15 years ago.
Whatever answers we are looking for, appear to be out there.
But hold up.
What if the answers have never been outside of ourselves?
What if we have power leaks in this area?
What if we have our own answers because no one - not even the best life coach, can understand the intricate way we see the world.
There are some powerful questions you can ask yourself to unlock your own answers. The work from here of course is taking action on what your internal mentor guides you to do. But even just having a clear awareness is a big first step forward.
I love journaling on questions like this because it helps me see my thoughts + my truths weave together on paper. Make yourself a cup of my supercharged cacao, press play on the HOL:FIT HQ playlist, diffuse some Sandalwood … and go inward.
Hey - can we marinate on that last question for a moment longer …
Why are we living anything less than the best story we can dream up?
Why do we allow people real estate in our hearts + lives that are on a completely different frequency?
What stories are you telling that aren’t even yours?
Hint - these are the stories or patterns that keep playing out in your life that make you feel gross.
Life is always responding to what we are asking for.
This is the essence of the work we do in The Beautiful Life Lab
What is your new story?
I want you to write out a new story
You know … the one that has you full lit up + alive.
Use present tense and feel it in every cell of your body!
You may find it helpful to use your answers to the questions above to construct 'I AM' sentences.
Anchor with an image
This last part is the juice.
The next time you are feeling tapped into the energy of the life you are creating, stop and take a picture.
Perhaps this moment also has an aroma to it. For example my latest one was a day when I spent the morning creating content that I felt so excited about. Then Chris and I and the girls went out sup boarding and grabbed açai bowls after.
It was a simple moment but it was EVERYTHING. My skin was salty, my hair smelled like sandalwood and I was chewing bubble gum.
So the next time I’m feeling misaligned, I pop some bubble gum, run sandalwood through my hair and have a quick look at this image. It’s like an elastic band snaps and I enter this portal of creativity + play.
I love this short post Seth Godin recently made …
Many of the totems in our lives don’t actually do anything all on their own. Books don’t read themselves, and flowers don’t love us. But they can represent something. They can remind us of what’s possible. They can trigger us to be in the right state of mind. Consider surrounding yourself with totems that invite generous action. They’re souvenirs of your best self.
It’s wild how simple this process can be … but we often have people + things we’ve said yes to that are like a massive kink in our flow.
Pay attention to what’s going on when you feel this way.
And remember - it’s always up to you.
These self actualizations questions + day x design template are pages out of the free guide I have avail called
“Tools for the Fresh You” … you can download it below.