The role we play at this time
Some thoughts about the role we all play, our willingness and our voice.
The lions are awake.
But they didn't just wake up.
They woke up years ago when the smell was in the air.
For decades, fakebreeze has been sprayed to cover up this smell. And it has a sweet smell to it ...
the kind of smell that makes you think you don't need to look or act ... That they've got the perfect plan for your health + finances + children.⠀⠀⠀
The sweet smell is so alluring.
It encourages a stillness + a reliance.
It even encourages some lions to lose their sense of smell and their roar to soften.
But their main concern is not with the group that likes the smell of what they've been spraying.
Their main concern is with the ones that can smell the truth.
And the roar is getting louder with each day.
It's rippling through the world and it's drowning out the smell that has kept many people under a spell.
Read the comments in this linked instagram post when you need a reminder how supported you are.
In this blog, I'd like to continue from about a week ago regarding the post I made, What do We Have Here?
You can take this blog content in through written form here, as the video below or podcast here 🎙️
I want talk about a few things today … our humanness, our awareness, our willingness and our voice.
I want to open up recognizing my own humanness here.
So first, regarding the video … I had many different emotions as I prepared it and voiced it.
Not everything I said on that video was said perfectly … as I was listening to the recording for upload, I left it unedited - even the long uncomfortable pauses.
I could feel my pain in many moments and it’s quite a process to go through to bare witness to your own fear.
I care very much about truth, health + freedom. My fear of freedom being stripped has been what others have felt a level of fear around this virus.
And let’s establish the truth that we are all coming into this experience through our own lens, our own work and our pain points.
I’ve read your comments and I’ve left every one up unless you were attacking another person in the thread. I knew there would be many attacks coming my way through doing that video, but I have done alot of work throughout my life to not allow that to be the reason to not stand in what I know for me to be true.
In saying that, I want to say that as I listened to the recordingI could feel my anger being misdirected at one point. My intention is not to create division of any kind and specific to the conversation of vaccines … I understand that many of you feel very strongly about your decision to vaccinate and I want to clarify that my feelings about this are not directed at you.
Regardless of where you stand on an issue such as vaccines, please know that I don’t see you as wrong or less than if you hold a different stance on this issue. The same goes for any issue. Where I want to find common ground with you is that we are both making an informed decision.
If you agree that you should have autonomy over your body and that it is your body and your choice … we are together in that, regardless of whether that means you choose to vaccinate or not. If you have done your research and decide it’s the best way to go for you and your children … you have my full respect.
However if we are about to enter a time where you are led to believe that people that don’t vaccinate are a threat to you biologically, I trust you can see the danger of this.
You are allowed to ask questions. And I would say the best place to ask questions are the areas where you are encouraged not to. If you are someone who has vaccinated and you’re starting to question … go with it. Perhaps you didn’t have the time or the access to information you do today.
I curated the info I did for you a few weeks ago for those of you that are ready to know.
I stand for medical freedom. And while we as a family don’t have much interaction with the medical system, I’ve paid generously - millions into it for the last 5 years without a choice. Many of you are aware of our healthcare model in Canada. I am very concerned about the gate we are about to open.
And as I talked about when we were together last … some questions to marinate on is if we open this gate, can we ever close it again?
Does anything I do for my health matter in the end if I must be treated in the same way as those who can’t or won’t?
If we give the government the ownership of our body, our health and our children … where does this take us next?
We are living through a time we will need to be able to look our children in the eyes in 20 years and explain.
So let’s transition to a conversation around awareness, willingness, courage and using your voice.
The year of 2020 vision … some of us were excited about that idea with perhaps not understanding what it was going to entail. It’s hard to unsee and hard to unknow. Things feel very unstable right now because the control matrix is breaking. The veil is being lifted so to speak.
It’s impossible to wake someone up. It simply shows up at the right times as they are ready. I am so grateful for information that showed up at the right time for me.
What happens when you wake someone up from sleep? … they’re irritated. they’re angry. Let’s it’s 2am and you smell smoke and you realize there is a fire in your home and you go to wake up everyone in your house. They’ll initially be ticked at you for waking them up until they realize there is a fire.
Now sometimes - someone simply can’t hear what’s being said because there is so much noise in front of them. Real life example … it never fails the second I start the blender or the vacuum everyone in my house starts talking to me. They think I should be able to hear them because it’s not as loud right in front of them. But I can’t hear.
Another person can only hear the message if they have done the work personally to be able to hear it.
What many of you have been experiencing in these last few weeks is the blow that comes when you speak up about things that challenge the narrative. We’ll use the video I did as an example: It had 185,000 views and over 1500 shares. Now when I have 27,000 people that actually follow the page but 185,000 that watched the video … it’s gone out of the ring so to speak. And so let’s say this 160,000 have never met me before or experienced my work + voice … it angered them because there was no relationship or context or trust there first.
Some of you that shared the video may have had comments that were supporting + confirming for you. Some of you shared it and then took it down because a comment led you to ignore your intuition. Or you may have taken the video down because this might have been the first time you’ve shared your voice in this way. When you share something that challenges the narrative, you’re disrupting a sense of safety. And in that moment, while you have done the work to come to this place … the person reading it may not have. Everyone is feeling this on a different level and we are all connected in the emotions we are feeling.
Remember - when someone disagrees with you that is great! It’s helping you to think critically. If someone is challenging something you share you need to run it through 2 lenses: first do they have a counter argument? And does their life speak in alignment with what they’re sharing? Are they a free thinker or are they a repeater? Don’t take things personally … remember everyone is coming at this from their own perspective.
It is not yours or my job to wake someone up … this has to be in the right timing for each person.
It would be good if more people were willing to look at ID2020, Event 201 and the connections between trafficking + government/hollywood. But everyone will in their right timing.
Does everyone need to be sharing in the same way? No.
Everyone plays a role in this as we create our new world.
Chris and I were talking about this the other day … for example in our relationship, he sees in the physical what I see more in the spiritual. If we are leaving a concert and it’s dark, he not only already has alternative routes planned for our way back but also a plan should something unexpected happen while we are walking in the dark back to our car. It’s why he’s so great at his job is he has strong situational awareness going into a fire.
Whereas I have a spiritual sense about things. I grew up with this knowing. For example with vaccines … when I was presented with the vax schedule, all my senses went off. I could sense this was a schedule that was created by people who have never been able to explain the miracle of creation. My cultivation of this has come stronger through the years as I unclogged myself from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, fake food, MSM, a drug + alcohol free body etc. It is more difficult to feel the truth if you are clogged.
Everyone has a role in this.
And only you know what that role is.
Some are here to speak up boldly against the narrative. Because it’s going to take time after time of exposure to a new way of thinking before many are open to it.
Some are here to sit in quiet, in prayer
Some are here to oppose those that are opposing the narrative. To help people witnessing the conversations learn to think critically for themselves. If you are shaming people for speaking up, we are at a critical time where you must be sure that you are confident in your stance. If you aren’t sure, it’s time to open up.
Some are not meant to understand this right now for various reasons. And so they need to wait for the proof after the work + shifts have taken place. Even mainstream media will have to report more accurately as their previous puppet masters lose their strings.
Personal pain will come if you know your role but aren’t stepping into it. There is no avoiding it. When you have a deep knowing, it can actually be very distructive to stay silent or dilute your voice. This is called an inconvenient truth.
Now the reason that some have been tasked with the work of using their voice … is because they have been prepared for this moment in time. It began years ago.
Some of you remember I spoke about this last year at leadership retreat during my talk about Leading from the Front. I shared with you several times in my life where even though I was shaking, I spoke up. I shared about the time I was 11 in a courtroom sharing my experience of being molested by a family friend. 11 years old and having a family member not even believe what I was saying. This man went to jail and through that experience many more women spoke up. Many of you who are speaking up right now have roots like this … perhaps you were the one in school that stood up to the bully. That’s an interesting experience to dissect … were you the one that stood up or the one that would repeat what the bully did in order to fit in?
I also spoke about what happens when speak up … the force to pull you down. Crabs in a bucket. For some people, they’ve already gone through the gate of being ridiculed and are okay with it now. That’s what you experience with me … I care more about leading in integrity than I care what people think of me. See because we want to feel that unity + connection with each other, we blur the lines when we don’t feel accepted … when we are moving out of group thinking. The addiction to being approved by other people is blocking the connection to truth for many people.
Group thinking is the safest. Your brain knows this … if you repeat what everyone else is saying, you won’t be challenged and you’ll stay safe.
If you fear what people think when you challenge a narrative, that same fear follows you into your doctor’s office when your newborn is about to be injected for the first time.
If you seek validation from people it’s a reflection of the personal work that needs to be done and the self acceptance needed.
Some are right now coming into this awareness because they are seeing + feeling the truth emerging … and not in the spoon fed way that MSM serves it. You keep getting tapped on the heart with it … you’re starting to notice the patterns of body + mind control. Whether you look at the healthcare system, government, hollywood. It’s like one day BOOM you see it. Like looking at a stereogram …
For some people, simply looking at why MSM will only cover certain things like ‘how stupid Trump is’ or how wise Bill Gates is … but not look at all the commotion beginning around the topic of Hollywood pedophilia or the growing concerns around mandatory vaccinations.
There comes a time where we all have to confront our own ignorance and be willing to ask questions. I’ve certainly had to do that more than ever before in the last 6 weeks.
You’ve always made decisions based on what you knew at the time. Be careful not to allow the fear of what others think, drown out your ability to make informed decisions. There are many people speaking up right now so that you can feel brave enough to also.
You need to understand what’s going on and meet it rooted in power + awareness + love. This is the force that brings this whole thing down.
I’m not afraid anymore because I understand what is going to play out. I understand the role that we are all playing here. And there is an awakening happening … if you’ve been feeling that, you’re right. You know that point in a song where the tension builds and you know the best part of the song is about to come. That’s where we’re at. (ps you must check out this movie soundtrack playlist)
This is not about changing people … it’s time for everyone to do their own work here.
I’ve had to do a lot of work over the past 6 weeks to look at this, to feel this, to assist it in moving through until I could come to a place of compassion for us all.
And this is our greatest work right now … to come to a place of compassion … even for those it is hardest to hold that for.
We have the opportunity to create the new right now. The only way to grow a muscle is to break down the fibres
The old has to die for the new to come alive and it’s going to be beautiful.
And while there are very good and equally some very frightening things unfolding at the government levels … remember this is not about a hero. The power is in you.