Family rituals, building online + overcoming loss

Taking your questions in this episode ...

But first I share about 2 cool things going on in doterra land that involve free product + a free green cleaning challenge that you're going to love:

Questions: taken in order form your submits over the last few weeks:

Q1: from Anne Marie: I know you have a pretty set schedule especially when your girls are in school. But I’m wondering what your schedule looks like or how it changes when they are not in school or for summer vacation? I have four little ones (6, 4, 2, and 5 months) And everyone is going to be home for summer vacation. I really have picked up a lot of momentum in my business and I want to keep pushing through the summer. But I also know that I cannot ignore my children and they need to have structure. So I would love to see what your schedule typically looks like when your kiddos are not at school. I do have my mom who is available to help out probably once a week and that has been a huge blessing. But I’m kind of freaking out about how to structure everything for my business and for the kids and have fun at the same time. Thank you for all that you pour out into this oil community! I really appreciate it and have learned so much from you!

Q2: From Julie: With the growth that doTERRA is experiencing, do you think we will see a Canadian convention and a separate USA one? There a lot of leaders who are unable to get in on the conventions, simply because of logistics. I know you know the issue... just being hopeful.

Q3: From Toby: online oil classes, whats your opinion on them? big love!

Q4: From Lindsey: Does a wellness advocate have to spend 100 PV in order to earn commission? My husband loves the products but hate the fact that I have to buy something in order to earn money. He said that they can’t legally require that. What would your answer be to him?

Q5: From Bridgett: You mentioned that your children aren't involved in after school activities. I would love to hear more about this topic! My kids are young and all I ever hear from parents with older kids is they are so busy and have to drive around on week nights and weekends for their kids activities. I don't agree with kids schedules being packed. I wonder how you and your kids find a balance with being social, but not overly scheduled.

Q6: From Laura: You have gorgeous skin and I know part of that is that you drink tons of water and use oils on your face. What’s your skin care and make up routine? link up my skin webinar i did with doterra that’s on my youtube channel

Q7: From Audrey: Could you please do an office and home tour of your favorite things and health products? May 23

Q8: From Leah: In one of your last posts you mentioned how helpful it is to get a housekeeper. Do you recommend hiring one that is self employed or hiring one as an employee or subcontractor? Any tips basically link up (see episode 27:

Q9: From Danielle: My mom passed in early April. I was ready to launch my business and I got the call. After that my whole life changed. I am 30 years old and I have 2 young children. I know that you have suffered great loss in life and the last few months I have been pulled toward your podcast and FB lives. Peace and Console have been my go to oils. My question to you I guess is what pulls someone out of this. How do you over come the lose? I feel that I am just going threw the motions right now and looking for peace or comfort, but I am not sure where to turn. You talk alot about self-care and I have been trying to think of some self-care things that I could do that this time so that I am pouring from a full glass again. I understand if you do not want to take on this question I just have been feeling pulled toward your talks lately and thought it must be for some reason and it couldnt hurt to ask. Thank you Ange for your kindness and wisdom each week.


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