041: The Rituals that create the Ripple


Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks!

A weekly LIVE show that initially streams on FB + Instagram on Wed @ 2pm EST and then uploaded as a podcast.JOIN LIVE HERE:www.hol-fit.com/live


  • For November, the podcast topics will be centered around the topics of focus, productivity + owning it to get you warmed up for the launch of my new program - The Beautiful Life Lab. It will launch December 1st and the last day to register will be December 10th. Click Here to be on the list:www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelab

  • Refer to this blog post for more info on my daily routine + creating your own:www.hol-fit.com/blog/mydailyroutine


This begins with asking yourself what truly matters to you…what do you need to have in place in order to live + take action as the highest version of yourself?

Our daily behaviour reflects our deepest beliefs. And leadership of anything - begins with leadership of ourselves.

“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ~ John Maxwell

I believe there are 3 things that will determine whether you create success: and I believe this is what separates the the top 1% out from the pack:

  1. the energy with which you do the thing.

  2. your ability to make fast, clear decisions. Ideas are abundant … execution is everything.

  3. your consistency. the daily inches.

Click here to view the Daily Blueprint I have for myself that I reference in this podcast:www.hol-fit.com/blog/mydailyroutine

📚HOL:FIT Homework:Design your ideal day using the sheet I’ve created for you in that blog post


👉 Join LIVE on Wed at 2pm EST:hol-fit.com/live

👉 Listen as a podcast 🎧 Podcast:bit.ly/holfittalks

👉 All podcasts here:hol-fit.com/podcast

👉 Music playlists:hol-fit.com/music

👉 Essential oils at 25% off:hol-fit.com/eostart

👉 Beautiful Life Lab:www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelab

👉HOL:FIT Coaching Tools:http://www.hol-fit.com/tools

👉 HOL:FIT in your inbox:http://bit.ly/holfitinbox


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