043: Lifestyle Cleansing


To listen on iTunes as a podcast on the go: http://bit.ly/hfpod043

I’ve created a PDF checklist of the practical tips I talk about in this episode for doing Lifestyle Cleansing.


Today I'm teaching you some practical ways to cleanse your lifestyle to welcome in a new season!

Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks!

A weekly LIVE show that initially streams on FB + Instagram on Wed @ 2pm EST and is then uploaded as a podcast. 


  • The Beautiful Life Lab. It will launch December 1st and the last day to register will be December 10th. Click Here to be on the list: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelab

  • Process for when I’m in deep work and preparing for a launch

  • We will be back Jan 9th with a Q + A episode

On Today’s Show: Today we are talking about 'trading in the anchors for your wings'

Moving into a new season with clarity, spaciousness and intention.

  • There are things + people  that are not meant to be brought into the next season.

  • The tipping point

  • Six questions to review to create space and release what is no longer serving you

  • Practical ways to clear space + welcome in a new season

The most popular questions submitted for this week’s show:

  • Q1: How to organize space and get rid of junk! I live in a small rambler and I don’t have separate rooms for my office or work area. My family has great intentions on keeping areas organized but things turn into a hot mess within a day or two.

  • Q2: Hey Ange, I’ve heard you say that you’re really strict about getting on the phone, and also that how you enrol 8-10/month. How do you support these people? Do you do wellness consults (and how) and what’s the ongoing follow up? I would love be more streamlined so that I’m being more efficient but also effectively supporting my people. I have a lot of sharers but not many builders so a lot of the support is my role and as my business expands I’d love to not be spending all my “work time” on this. Would love some tips please 💕 (I’m a silver dōTERRA leader with 3 kids, aged 8, 4 and 3)

  • Q3: What would you suggest implementing for a mom running a doTERRA business and a full time job to control the chaos of life?

  • Q4: My upline doesn’t honour my boundaries and wants me to be busy constantly. I’ve talked to her about it with no results.

  • Q5: What if your spouse is what is feeling heavy? I have been so focused on growth and he has been okay with being stuck and seems weirded out that I work on myself daily.

  • Q6: What is something you do to reverse engineer Your energy to do #HolfitTalks? I serve my clients and community with a show called #KTtv every Monday and I know it takes organization and sheer love to make it happen every week.

  • Q7: What do you recommend for working out at home when you are not a personal trainer? Can you get the best workout without all of the equipment at home.

  • Q8: What’s the cost of the lab and what date can we sign up until?

Congrats to the winners from the challenge issued on last week’s podcast!!



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