E088: HOL:FIT SCRUB: The Prep

The Seasonal Scrub is a method for clearing out the things that are weighing you down to feel more present, organized + free in this season of your life.
Deeper inhales, a relaxed nervous system and Pinterest worthy closet en route.
Worksheets, trackers and simple steps for creating space.
This is about presence.
This is about spaciousness.
This is about releasing the old.
But mostly, this is about being free.
Because we are ♡
And this workbook will be an electric reminder of that for you.
🛒 $33 usd

the scrub workbook
Worksheets, trackers and simple steps for creating spaciousness in your life to make room for the good on the way!
And you can join us for annual challenges as we move through each area together 🤸♂️
In this Scrub Stream, I review how to prep for doing the Seasonal Scrub ... a deep home cleanse.
listen or watch here: