Q + A
Early 2016 - I began doing a weekly Wed Q + A LIVE broadcast streamed on Periscope and Facebook Live.
Join me each week at 12pm EST and bring your health questions!
Here is the playlist of all the past week's recordings:
What daily supplements do you take?
I am an advocate for first focusing on plant based, organic whole foods to provide you with most of your nutritional needs. However, it is important to know that times have changed and we simply cannot get all of our nutrition requirements covered through food alone - even when we are hyper focused on it.
I created that reviews the supplements I take and why...
What do you recommend for natural ways of moisturizing dry skin?
Focus on moisturizing from the inside out!
~ Consume extra Omega 3 fats from: walnuts, chia/flax seeds, olives, coconut oil
~ Ensure your water intake is at least 1/2 oz per pound of your body weight
~ Dry skin brush daily before your shower
~ Apply Coconut Oil daily
What's your go to healthy meal?
The simplest way to cover your bases every day is through a nutritious green smoothie. Here is my fave recipe:
~ 1c nut milk (almond, coconut or hemp is best)
~ 2c fresh organic spinach or kale
~ 1/2 frozen banana
~ 1/4 avocado
~ 1/2c frozen berries (frozen cherries are awesome)
~ 3 tbsp hemp seeds or Sunwarrior Protein Powder
~ 1 tsp maca powder
~ 1/2 tsp cinnamon
~ 1 tbsp coco oil, flax or hemp oil
~ Blend. Slurp. Smile.
What are your favourite personal development books?
I've put them all in this HOL:FIT library for you! http://bit.ly/hfdevelopment
What does a typical week of working out look like for you?
My priority is on strength training which I get primarily through circuit training & TRX suspension training. I also run about 3 days/week and do yoga 1-2 times/week. I often keep my workouts to 30 min.

Hi Ange, I've watched your Youtube videos and you seem so positive and happy. I was wondering how you deal with people (especially friends or family) who may not be very supportive of you or your healthy lifestyle. I struggle in this area because I oft
Well - we all have the naysayers in our life :) Just remember that when people critisize you for living a healthy lifestyle, it's often just their own guilt for their choices/habits speaking. People do & act the best with what they know, so hopefully over time you'll inspire them with your own knowledge!

Busy mom here...the only time I can fit workouts in is really early before the kiddos get up. However, I find that I have a slump in energy mid-morning and again in the afternoon. Any tips on how to revive during these times of the day? I am veg/rian. THX
I would say to def look at your water intake and make sure that it's about 2L per day. That gives me the energy to keep going and to eat balanced every 3 hrs or so

Hi Ange, What product would you suggest for safe but effective insect repellent? My 4 year old daughter reacts so badly to bites but I want to avoid the poisons on repellent products. Thanks for your help!
I would try some pure peppermint oil diluted in some water and put that into a spray bottle - it's supposed to be really effective!

Hi Ange, I've gotten much more invested in clean eating and holistic health recently, but I am very overweight. I'm currently losing weight and feeling great though! I'm just wondering if you have suggestions for someone like me who is very overweight.
That is so great that you're on a healthy path. It's all about creating healthy habits each day and doing them for a couple of weeks until they are just part of your regular routine! The biggest thing I coach clients on is water intake. make sure you're drinking 1/2 your bodyweight in oz - this is key to moving toxins out & helping with fat loss.
If you're ever interested in a more detailed lifestyle health plan - I offer online coaching.
Keep it up - every little bit of effort counts!!

what do you think would be the best ways in treating skin issues such as severe acne? :) what would be your tips? would it be the use of antibiotics/accutane or would it be natural ways to heal it as many people are still towards the medication side..
I would def stay away from both of the drugs you mentioned. Nutritionally - increase your water intake to at least 2L per day, take fish oil daily and avoid the common allergens such as wheat, soy & dairy!

Hi Ange! I just purchased organic maca powder and am not sure how much to use in my smoothies. I'm 39 and feel a little hormonally imbalanced, but I don't want to over or under do it. I've also heard you should take a break occasionally. Any advice?
Most reco are for 1 tsp per day - although I don't take it every day. I do agree that you should always take a break from supplements to see how your body adjusts on it's own.

Ange, Stumbled on your site while searching for homemade cleaners. I love the recipes and the whole site is fantastic. I'm in London, too, and was wondering where you get your peppermint castile soap for the homemade cleaner? I can't find it in town.
Cool - great to meet you!! I purchased this at a health store in Niagara where I used to live but you should check out the health store at Covent Garden Market. They have EVERYTHING!

Hey Ange! I've been vvery inspired by your healthy approach to life as of late and I am very interested in the idea of becoming a personal trainer. I am also very passionate about holistic nutrition. I am currently enrolled in a event planning program
Go for it! We need more healthy advocates out there!

How can I sign up for your blog.. or do I just like you on FB..Sandra from Health Nutz recommended you
Hey there! If you use something like google reader, subscribe to my blog that way. Otherwise, I always post a link to blog posts on my Hol Fit Facebook wall so that would be a good way to follow along as well :)

Did you have to change anything in your smootie when you were pregant? We are trying to concieve and I don't want anything harmful. We've had 4 miscarriages.
Yes I did stop adding Maca powder because it is a hormone regulator and be sure to check the ingredients of your protein powder if you are using. Always best to contact the company to see if there's anything to avoid if it's a powder you use everyday. Otherwise - such a great way to get all the necessary nutrition you need through greens, oils etc! All my best!
Hi Ange! What is your opinion on hormonal birth control pills?
Yikes - only took them for a few years. We are the guinea pig generation and I don't trust em!
I'm planning a youtube vid on this shortly :) Always refer to the Skin Deep database online before purchasing!
Yes I did stop adding Maca powder because it is a hormone regulator and be sure to check the ingredients of your protein powder if you are using. Always best to contact the company to see if there's anything to avoid if it's a powder you use everyday. Otherwise - such a great way to get all the necessary nutrition you need through greens, oils etc! All my best!
This is very common so don't be worried! I don't believe that humans were ever meant to digest cow milk and it shows itself in so many health issues. Almond milk would be the best alternative as too much soy can be a problem. I will often mix soy & almond for my daughter because soy has more protein than almond. Try making your own nut milks too by just blending 1 cup of nuts with 4 cups of water and sweeten with some dates or vanilla extract. So good!
Thank you!! I give my daughter the brand Renew Life. You'll find it in the fridge of your health store - it has a yellow lid :)
SO great to hear!! I'll be posting a vid in the coming weeks with my fave clean products so stay tuned for that!
I have had a few issues with leaking but not everytime. It's usually when I'm juicing something a little stiffer like broccoli stems. I just hang a dish towel over it to catch any juice.
I have & love the Breville brand. It's not too expensive & not too many parts to clean!
Here's a link to all my green cleaning recipes & produce wash. So glad you're joining in the cleanse! http://www.plantoeat.com/recipes/55579
Hi Marie! Congrats to you guys - that is wonderful! Check out the post I did here on what foods I ate to help my body recovery. http://www.hol-fit.com/search?updated-max=2011-11-06T11:11:00-08:00&max-results=5
Hi Heti! You bet I will! The last 6 months have been super craazy busy around here with having a baby and moving, but I plan on doing more vlogs in the new year! I'm also kicking off Jan with a detox post and will do a video for that!
Through can fit pro
Besides coconut oil, what are your natural beauty products/secrets?
I'm putting together a vlog on this shortly - stay tuned! You can check out my youtube channel @ angepeters
I prefer to use a vegan source such as agar or xanthum gum to thicken my foods. Gelatin is made by boiling down the bones of animals.....
Well...that's a great question! Finding the time to do all these things that I love is a constant effort to stick to a plan for each day. I've always been a big fan of the To Do list and lately my focus has been in trying to keep it short & to priorities. I also have the support of a great husband who works shifts as a Firefighter that allow him to be home 4 days a week so my situation is certainly not typical. I def have those days where nothing gets done & I'm frustrated - but there's the balance :) Just try to set a plan for the next day at the end of every night & work with what you've got!
You've only got one body...treat it good and it will treat you good!
Hey there! If you use something like google reader, subscribe to my blog that way. Otherwise, I always post a link to blog posts on my Hol Fit Facebook wall so that would be a good way to follow along as well :)