035 Welcome Back!

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Show notes

Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks! 

A weekly LIVE show that initially streams on FB + Instagram on Wed @ 2pm EST and then uploaded as a podcast.

🖥 HOL:FIT FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/holfit or
📱 Instagram LIVE: www.instagram.com/hol_fit
🎧 Podcast Episode #035: bit.ly/holfittalks

👉 New LIVE Show time: Wed @ 2pm EST
👉 Making the Perfect Smoothie
👉 HOL:FIT has had a facelift: www.hol-fit.com
👉 Newsletter subscribe: bit.ly/holfitinbox
👉 Rocking vibe piece (sold out - back mid Sept): hol-fit.com/productshop
👉 Back to school eBook: hol-fit.com/shopprograms

QUESTIONS answered in this episode:
🙋 What water filtration system we use
🙋 How to Re-Launch yourself when you’ve lost momentum
🙋 What to do when feelign overwhelmed
🙋 Where to start once your first doTERRA kit arrives at your door
🙋 Organized vs unstructured approach
🙋 How to launch doTERRA in a Retail location: http://bit.ly/2Qbqr59

HOL:FIT Homework:
Q1: What did you say yes to that you should have said no to?⠀⠀⠀⠀
Q2: Where have you not been communicating clearly enough or asking for the help you need⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Q3: Where do you go from here? What is the new plan? Calendar it until it’s engrained.

👉  Purchase doTERRA at 25% off: hol-fit.com/eostart
👉  Learn more about our oil community: bit.ly/hfgetstarted
👉  HOL:FIT Coaching Tools: hol-fit.com/tools
👉  doTERRA Lifestyle Webinars: bit.ly/dtesweb
👉  doTERRA Biz Maps: bit.ly/hfdteslibrary
👉  doTERRA blog for DIY recipes: bit.ly/dtdiyblog
👉  Have a question for the show? hol-fit.com/podquestion

Ange PetersComment