Green Cleaning School

Green Cleaning School
My eBook full of everything you need to create a healthy green home!
DIY cleaning recipes for each room of your house
Video recordings of me making the recipes room by room
Prep + Shopping lists to have so you’ll never have to buy another cleaner again!
Over 40 pages of content.
🛒 *price is in usd
DIY cleaning recipes for each room of your house, video recordings showing you the room by room from our house as well as info on green plants, the 2hr clean, where to buy bottles + labels and more!
I remember the first time I read about how the indoor air quality of the average home today is at least 2-5x more polluted than the air outside the home. It shocked me to think that a space where I should feel the safest, could be harming me because of what I was bringing into it.
CLEAN had a smell back in the 80s + 90s when I was growing up - a mixed brew of Windex, Pine Sol and Mountain breezed laundry. And you know maybe back then, it wasn't causing as many issues as today because we weren't hitting our tipping point yet. Today with the bombardment of questionable ingredients in our self care products, in our food, dependancy on medications and overall much busier, disconnected lives - our bodies are illustrating that we have tipped.
Once you start to learn, you can't unlearn. And if you're committed to living your best life - you have no time to allow harmful chemicals to drag you down. Especially when you discover that cleaning with nature actually makes the process joyful! Yes I just said that. When I first rolled up my sleeves and little by little transitioned our entire home through my little DIY creations - I actually began to LOVE taking care of my home. I haven't bought a single cleaner in over 8 years, and I'm excited to teach you the simple approaches.
To share my love of creating a healthy happy home, we recorded a LIVE tour with our Facebook community right here.
The reality is - nature has provided us the way, the entire time. For example - did you know that NASA discovered that certain plants actually remove the harmful chemicals in your air? For most people, the first step to changing their whole health begins with Green Cleaning - it's the launching pad. Because it's a simple + effective transition to make, and it gives you the confidence to take on small changes in other areas of your life.
Here's a cool fact: When you reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals, you will start to experience an upgrade in other areas - your emotions, your body system health ... suddenly your home feels more peaceful.
✨ I only recommend doTERRA Essential Oils for reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals. If you don't have a doTERRA wholesale customer account yet, I give you exactly what to order inside the eBook to make all the recipes.
CLICK HERE to open up your account:
👉 Choose the Wholesale Customer. My Enroller + Sponsor ID of 697139 should already be filled for you.
👉 On the kit screen, choose the wholesale membership and then add the items shown in the image below. They will be at the 25% off price. Or click here for this bundled as a custom cart
You'll receive a welcome email from me right away with amazing oil education, access to team health programs and our private FB community.
Okay sister, put the gas mask + cleaning goggles away and let nature guide you (through me) through this green cleaning school!