Routines that Sustain Peace + Health

In this blog, I’m sharing various rhythms + routines I have in place for that promote a beautiful feeling of peace + health in our home.

These are examples of what we get up to in The Beautiful Life Lab. Would love to you have you join us!

Enjoy and please share if you find value

xo, Ange

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Bookending your day

What if 10 minutes the night before … could make or break your next day?

There’s a little routine I’ve done at night for years, and I’ve shared it many times in the moment in my Insta stories.

I call it The Goodnight Home Routine.


it goes a little something like this …

We finish dinner around 6pm.
The kids help clear the dinner table and then I send them outside to rough around with the dog for 10 min while I:

✔️ Clean all dishes or run the dishwasher.

✔️ Clean inside of sink with a pump of OnGuard foaming soap + 2 drops lemon or spearmint. Scrub with brush and rinse off. Sometimes I’ll polish with a tsp of olive oil.

✔️ Clean counters with all purpose spray: In a glass bottle, add 2 tbsp OnGuard cleaning concentrate, 2 cups water and 20 drops of essential oil of choice. I like 10d OnGuard + 10d Peppermint.

✔️ Add a drop of lemon oil to my dish cloth + towel.

✔️ Change the garbage/recycling/composter. Add a drop of lemongrass or purify blend to the bottom.

✔️ Setup coffee maker on a timer for the morning.

✔️Consider food plan for tomorrow: Prep breakfast , school lunches and take items out of freezer to defrost for tomorrow night's dinner.
I find it helpful to pack lunches while prepping dinner since I’m already in that mode #habitstacker

✔️ Run diffuser: Try 2 drops each lavender, wild orange, lemon + rosemary. This one smells like the inside of Williams Sonoma. See all my diffuser blends here.

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I remember when I first started doing this routine … I loved the way I felt the next day, but then I found myself resisting doing it when night rolled around.
It took about a week of consistent effort before I was hooked. And I haven’t woken up to a messy kitchen since!

What I found was that taking this 10 min the night before, allowed me to wake up feeling in charge of my day. It was as though 10 min the night before, expanded into hours of flow time the next day.

This routine is especially helpful when transitioning into a new season such as Back to School.
Here is an image you can save and make your phone screensaver if you’d like:


Doing this routine at night, makes the mornings go so much smoother.
I have a little routine I do in the mornings too which essentially bookends my day so that I can feel more free throughout the day. Here’s a simple routine I follow in the morning:



There is a ritual I've kept for many years now on Sunday afternoons … where I take about an hour to map out my upcoming week. You can read more about it here and then print this Sunday Scrub worksheet I've created for you to try using as you think about your upcoming week. 

Simply drop your plans for the week into each box + notice how you feel: 


About 2 yrs ago, most of my life entered a cycle of uprooting. It's not something you plan for in your forties, but I've also been here several times in my life ... deeply through my formative years while navigating the loss of my dad + my sister (both to cancer) and my formed identity at that time. 

In times of change, our daily practices + rhythms help us through. And I think if we examine the REASON we things, we can shape how well they stick. I love to focus on how I FEEL when I'm integrating.

Here are some of mine:

I love how STRONG I feel in random moments because of my daily workouts

I love how PEACEFUL I feel when I’m not consuming refined sugar, packaged food + seed oils

I love how ROOTED + HOPEFUL I feel, when I begin my day in
God‘s Living Word

I love how FREE I feel throughout the day when I bookend my day with a few
simple routines

I love how ENERGIZED I feel when I keep my blood sugar balanced + go for a 15 minute walk after meals 

I love how ALIVE I feel when I get 30 min of sun each day + consistently take vitamins, minerals, probiotics

I love how PRESENT I feel when I don’t get back to messages as soon as they come in

I love how CONNECTED I feel when I write a card, send a voice note, create value, make a meal for my family + put my phone away for the day before dinner

I love how CLEAR I feel when I’m not engaging with synthetics:
(pharmaceuticals, fake food, fragrance, glyphosate)

When making changes, I think it's best to crowd out the things you want to release,
by adding in things that help you feel how you want to feel. 

For example, let's say you'd like to kick refined sugar.
Simply saying you are going to quit sugar starting today will likely only last a few days because you're focused on NOT doing something. So your brain thinks about it constantly!

 If instead, you focus on crowding out sugar by adding in things that make you feel great … you will slowly move away from sugar and eventually you won't want it anymore because you're clear on how it makes you feel. You're clear that when you eat something with fat or protein .. you feel stable, peaceful + strong. 


I created these rhythm sheets for our daughters for the summer and wanted to share them as templates with you that you can customize. One is an example of the daily checklist and one for the weekend chores.

To edit your own copy:  click File > Make a copy
Then you can edit the blank sheet before printing.

 Tip: Store in a plastic sleeve so your child can use a dry erase marker to check off the chore list.  

Inviting (and incentivizing) our girls to share in taking care of home really helps everything feel more organized + peaceful.

let’s work together:

Are you in the mood to crowd something out that you know is no longer serving you?
Ready to add something new in so that this shift naturally happens in time?

 There are several ways we can work together … this is my jam!
I love to overcome obstacles in life and to find the better way to do things. It's a through line in all of my work … removing distractions and pulling out the roots of what is not working, while adding in the life-force. 

A great focus if you want to crowd out your engagement with the synthetic world. The more nature you bring into your routine, the less the synthetics can get the hooks in. 

You can use my link to purchase all doTERRA essential oils + natural products at 25% off.
I can also design a cart for you customized to your current health goals/needs. 

A great focus if you want to crowd out the tendency to eat packaged/fast food or a stressful feeling at dinner time.  My Healthy Kitchen Blueprint is helpful here for integrating weekly + daily routines that keep the health + peace flowing.

A great focus if you want to crowd out a feeling of excess or disorganization in your home + lifestyle.  

My Seasonal Scrub Workbook takes you through methods for cleaning up the main areas of your home + life to have a system that supports you going forward.

A great focus if you want to crowd out sugar cravings + habits that are leading to excess weight and accelerated aging. You receive my Metabolic Health Program free with the purchase of the MetaPWR kit.

Click here for 25% off the MetaPWR kit.  

You'll have Instant access to the 30 day program that you can do on your own as soon as your kit arrives. And you can join our team throughout the year to do the 30 days together in our group. 


I'm grateful for our connection here + cheering you on,

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