Seasonal Love Lists



We are in this sweet season of life with our girls where we have the opportunity to anchor in special memories as a family while things are shifting into a busier season of higher education, jobs, driving + dating come in.

I don’t want a minute of it to go by without intention and this is my effort in doing just that.

I hope these ideas come to you in good timing if you are wanting to do the same.

If the urgency of living an intentional, purposeful life is not on your heart, it is helpful to think of your life in quantity of seasons.
For example … my oldest daughter turns 16 in the summer of 2025. Which means I very likely only have 3 more Fall Seasons where she is home. 3!!!

I can do this with myself too. I turn 45 in Feb 2025. If I am to live another 40 healthy + strong years … that means I have 40 Summers left to live out the things I want to experience in the Summer.

This just really puts things into perspective

If you are part of the Beautiful Life Lab, you know that I’m really big on optimizing your day, your week … and ultimately your time to live in tight alignment with your values.

The trap within this can become of course … optimizing to the point of living militant.

So extra care needs to be massaged in, on a quarterly basis to ensure that the main things remain the main things ♡

It reminds me of this famous quote by game designer Soren Johnson:


My antidote to this is creating these Seasonal Love Lists as a way to ‘bake in’ the things that are most important to us as a family so we don’t get lost in the busyness that each season uniquely brings.

👉 I suggest setting a quarterly reminder in your calendar to fill in fresh sheets before a new season begins.

🗓️ And then once you have your love list built out for the upcoming season, be sure to calendar them in to make sure they happen

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Enjoy + please share if you find value




Weekly traditions to consider:

🤍 Friday: family movie night + pizza

🤍 Saturday: morning market, family bike ride or brunch

🤍 Sunday: long big meal around the table + family board game night

For each of the Seasonal Love Lists … choose about 10 ideas and write them out on your bland planning sheet.

Then calendar them in to make them happen ♡



Choose about 10 ideas from and write them out on your planning sheet.

🗓️ Then calendar them in to make them happen:

fall recipe cards


Choose about 10 ideas and write them out on your planning sheet.

🗓️ Then calendar them in to make them happen:

winter recipe cards


Choose about 10 ideas from and write them out on your planning sheet.

🗓️ Then calendar them in to make them happen:



Choose about 10 ideas from and write them out on your planning sheet.

🗓️ Then calendar them in to make them happen:


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