E046: The Quitting Game
episode 046
the quitting game
Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks!
This is a show for YOU …
the one interested in owning your health, leading your life + living your legacy ⚡
(ps … I am another you)
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🗒 On Today’s Show:
I’m talking QUITTING and share what’s really going on …

Give this episode a listen the next time you feel like quitting on something.
But before you quit, ask yourself these 3 simple questions:
1. How well am I taking care of myself? If you are building doTERRA, are you using your oils?
2. When was the last time I expressed gratitude for the opportunity I have to do the thing that I'm thinking about quitting on?
3. When was the last time I helped another person?
BONUS QUESTION: I wonder what would happen if I wasn't so focused on my own lack, and instead focused on helping others?
🖥 Video version of this episode: bit.ly/thequittinggame
📋 Episode + Shownotes: www.hol-fit.com/holfittalkslibrary/e046
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