E052: A Random Q + A
episode 052
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🗒 On Today’s Show:
A random Q + A I did over on Instagram during my Sunday Scrub session. Took a few live questions and we chatted about:
- what to do when you're not feeling motivated
- inbox zero
- doTERRA, integrity + the MLM industry
- what just happened with Advocare
- how to get your husband to help in your business
🖥 the hot LINKS:
👉 doTERRA oils at 25% off: www.hol-fit.com/oils
👉 Beautiful Life Lab: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelabdetails
👉 HOL:FIT Coaching Tools: www.hol-fit.com/tools
👉 HOL:FIT in your inbox:http://bit.ly/holfitinbox
👉 Product Shop:www.hol-fit.com/productshop
👉 Development Library:www.hol-fit.com/library
👉Are you a health influencer? www.hol-fit.com/healthinfluencer
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