E059: GROWTH IN 2020: A session for doTERRA Business Owners
episode 059
GROWTH IN 2020: A Session for doTERRA Business Owners

🗒 Shownotes:
Growth in 2020
A few weeks ago, I recorded this 90 min zoom session with my team of wellness advocates + business builders.
It was an in depth look at what is happening currently within this natural health movement and what they can expect to see in the next few years as the vision that doTERRA has for being a bit part of the healthcare solution takes form...
In the vein of transparency, I decided to open this up and share it here with you. It's my unedited, raw guidance for those ready to step up and lead their legacy.
If this work interests you, you can learn more about being a wellness advocate on our team here: www.hol-fit.com/nirvana
I'd still like you to begin as a customer first though, so that your personal self + health care becomes the foundation that grows the whole thing. To do that: www.hol-fit.com/oils
🖥 Join LIVE on the last Wed of the month at 2pm EST: hol-fit.com/live
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🗓 Join us for the next live Q+A podcast: Wed Oct 23
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