E055: The Stories we tell ...
episode 055
The stories we tell …become the life we experience.
Truth talk for business owners
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🗒 Shownotes:
Owning your life + business even when everyone else is telling the story about how it's summer, or the holidays, or the kids are home or all the other stories you're hearing right now.
Not you though.
You're committed to living it full.
The stories we tell become the life we experience.
It's completely up to us.
...this is what's on my heart, hope it lands in good timing for you.
xo, Ange
Links mentioned:
The Beautiful Life Lab: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelabdetails
Life Scrub: www.hol-fit.com/lifescrub
doTERRA at 25% off: www.hol-fit.com/oils
doTERRA business on the HOL:FIT team: www.hol-fit.com/nirvana
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