E056: Total Health Dentistry with Dr Ali Farahani
episode 056
Total Health Dentistry
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🗒 Shownotes:
Guest Show with Dr Ali Farahani:
Today we doing a focused topic episode about Total Health Dentistry or what many of you would think of as holistic dentistry.
You may have seen me upload a blog post recently sharing my personal experience with root canal teeth + amalgam fillings and what I’m doing to resolve the impact of those.
Anything I ever share with you is simply an extension of my own experience - my learnings/research, my application within my own life and then sharing with you if I can help 1 person avoid any unnecessary struggle - it’s why I do what I do.
When we are talking about our teeth, we know more today than ever how connected our teeth are to our whole body health.
And I know that as an audience you are ripe for this conversation because I know you’re interested in continuing to learn + grow in the ways you take care of yourself.
I know that you have a reverence for how your body works - that what you do to one part, you do to the whole.
And I know you are already making efforts to lead a healthy life and ultimately be your own advocate.
In this episode we talk about:
personal autonomy + making health decision
mercury fillings
root canals + implants
the 3 things that most impact dental health
Links mentioned:
Dr Farahani's new clinic and podcast called Total Health Dentistry
Fluoride investigation by JAMA
BLOG post: www.hol-fit.com/blog/teeth
SHOWNOTES: www.hol-fit.com/holfittalkslibrary/e056
doTERRA at wholesale: www.hol-fit.com/oils
Enjoy and thank you for sharing this episode out! bit.ly/hfpod056
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